If you have any questions or are interested in visiting Science on a Sphere, contact Sylvia Asbury, WVRTP Communications and Programming Coordinator.
Science on a Sphere
The West Virginia Regional Technology Park and National Weather Service offer FREE Science on a Sphere®(SOS) presentations to K-12 students and community groups! SOS is a room-sized, global display system that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six-foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe.
The 2-hour (approx.) program features:
Extreme Weather
Weather Data & Tracking
Meteorology as a Career Path
National Weather Service Operations Tour
With over 600 datasets available to display, customized programming is also available!
The Science on a Sphere program is made possible by the support of BridgeValley Community and Technical College, the WV Dept. of Education, and other local businesses and organizations dedicated to advancing STEM education.

Book Your Visit Today!
To book a visit or learn more, contact Sylvia Asbury, WVRTP Communications and Programming Coordinator at sylvia.asbury@wvrtp.com.
Education Sponsor
BridgeValley Community and Technical College
Science Sponsor
Technology Sponsors
BBL Carlton
Charles Ryan Associates